Rick And Morty: Revenge On The Trollpasta Wiki

rick: i.i... i will *burp* take this wiki down!!!
Morty: w..w...why Rick?
Rick: Its not for science, its for these crappy posts!
W..w...what do you think i was doing this for!!?
Morty: Cmon Rick! Do Better Than That!
Rick: I Got It! Ill Create A Pasta So Crappy That They Will Leave This Wiki!
Summer: Your Right!
Rick: No-one Cares About You Summer...
I.. *Burp* am equally dissapointed in you both ok..? let me just photoshop a picture quickly so they will leave this wiki... and... done!
Why dont these people realize crappy stores are better than your real life stories?
Morty: Ok Rick... Soon We Will Rip The Wiki Out Of Time!
Rick: Hear that internet!?! were gonna make a crappier story than your life story!!